How to Get New Crew Members in Star Valor

In Star Valor, you will find yourself controlling a ship and commanding a fleet of AI controlled ships. Each ship can be not only fully customized with weaponry and attachments, but also crew members who will bring bonuses to the ships operations.

This guide will show you how to get more crew members to add to your ship builds.

How to Get More Crew in Star Valor

Crew members are a great addition to your ship. Depending on your ship, there will be spaces available for different crew members. You can pick from a wide range of different skilled crew members to bring along. Some will improve energy efficiency, some will provide more weapon damage and so on.

There are two main ways that you can get more crew members in Star Valor. By purchasing them in the academy section of any space station or by rescuing them from distress calls found during exploration.

Purchasing New Crew Members From
Space Stations

This is the easiest method of getting more crew members in Star Valor. All you have to do is simply navigate to any space station you can find. Once you’ve flown to a space station press the G key to dock your ship there. On the first screen you will find many different options. To see which crew members are available to hire at each space station select the Academy option.

Once in the academy you will see a list of all possible crew hires in this space station. You can hover over each of them to see what kind of crew member they are. The price for hiring the crew member is also displayed on this screen.

Hiring new crew members at a space station in star valor
There are different crew members to hire at different space stations

Crew members with better skills or development will obviously cost more than others. You can select the Hire button next o the crew member you want to bring them into your team. If you don’t want any of the crew members in any space station you can try another. There will be different crew members in different crew in different academies.

How to Get Free Crew Members From Distress Calls

Another method you can use to get new crew members is by rescuing them via distress signals. Every now and then when you are moving through space you will get a notification that a distress signal can be heard not too far away. This is a message from another ship saying they are in trouble.

Showing a distress signal detected notification in star valor

To follow this, check your minimap. you will see a grey arrow pointing you in the direction of the distress call. Once you arrive there, there is a good chance that the battle will be over buy you will find a crew member simply floating around in an escape pod. Drive into this escape pod to rescue this person.

Showing how to follow a distress signal in the minimap in star valor

Once they have been rescued they will join your crew as well. They will, to begin with, reside in your Passengers section of your ship. If you don’t have any space for passengers in your ship you unfortunately won’t be able to rescue and keep them. This method of getting an extra crew members means you won’t be able to choose the specific skills you want but you will get them completely for free.

Since crew members can also pilot their own personal ships, it’s always good to have a stock of crew to pilot and crew other ships you may purchase in the future.