Showing two characters repairing a building in Kenshi

How to Repair Buildings in Kenshi

In post-apocalyptic cRPG Kenshi, you control your squad of characters, crafting your own path in the wastelands. One of the features in the game, should you choose to use it, is the ability to build buildings and create an outpost for your characters. Unfortunately buildings are not invincible. This guide will show you how to repair your buildings after they’ve taken damage.

How to Repair Buildings

In some towns you may notice that some of the buildings have seen better days. It is possible for the player to purchase these buildings for a cheap price and repair them for their own use. To repair the buildings you come across in town follow these steps. There will be more detail underneath if you’re still struggling:

  1. Find a broken down building in a town or village and select it with the left-mouse button.
  2. Purchase the house by pressing the button at the bottom left of the UI. There is ‘For Sale’ written by the amount of cats the buildings costs to buy.
  3. Right-click the building with a character selected and choose the option Repair.
  4. Put enough building materials and have characters work on the house until is is completely repaired with the right-mouse button.

You can select the points above to jump straight to the relevant information on this page

Purchasing a Building in Need of Repair

The first thing you will need to do here is find a purchasable building in Kenshi. First of all, find a town where you would like to have a building. There are multiple towns with half-destroyed buildings but not all of them can be bought and repaired. You will first have to click on the building and see if it is marked as “For Sale” at the bottom left. Some buildings are not for sale, even if they are run-down.

An image showing how to purchase a broken house in cRPG kenshi

You will find a lot of the older less-developed towns have more destroyed buildings to purchase. Places such as The Hub are basically filled with buildings to be fixed up and used as a temporary base. Once you have found a building you wish to repair, purchase it and you will be able to start fixing it up!

Fixing Your New Destroyed Home

Now that you have a broken down house on the cheap, hold the right-mouse button on it. You will then see the option to Repair as in the picture below. Select this and your selected characters will go to the building and start repairing it. Now, left click on it. There are a few options here that you have for base management such as making the building Private or Public. (Keep this private unless you plan on utilizing the Shop Counter to sell items at your building.)

Repairing a longhouse in Kenshi

The important thing we are looking for here is the number of building materials we will need to get to repair the building. You can see on the bottom left in the UI the Building Condition and the Building Materials values. Here you will find out how many building materials you need to fix the building up. The amount of building materials you need will be whatever number will get this fraction to its maximum. For example, if the building condition is 7/15, you will need 8 building materials in total to fix the building completely.

Getting Building Materials…

Now, you will need to acquire building materials. You can craft these yourself, or you can simply purchase these from engineer stores, general traders, or sometimes at bars. To craft them yourself you will need to find a stone mining source and create a stock processing plant. Here, you can turn mined stone directly into building materials. Purchasing them directly is definately easier.

A screenshot from Kenshi showing two characters repairing a building purchased in the hub

Now that your character has building materials in their inventory, select that character and right click on the building you want to repair. The selected character will then first add the building materials to the building. Then, they will start actually fixing the building up. Once a character puts some building materials into the buildings other characters can repair the building at the same time to speed up the process.

Allow your characters to repair the building until the building condition is full again! Ta-da! You now have a repaired home, ready to be used and furnished in Kenshi!