Showing a different dice color in Baldurs gate 3

How to Change Dice Color in Baldur’s Gate 3

Do you see gameplay videos online of people with different dice colors to you in Baldur’s Gate 3? There is actually an option in-game which allows your to change the color and style of your dice. This isn’t apart of the in-game tutorials so this page will tell you how to change your dice color and how to get more colors!

How to Change Your Dice Color in Baldur’s Gate 3

The setting for changing the dice color can be overlooked as it isn’t actually apparent in the settings menu at all. You will have to wait until you actually get to a d20 skill check in order to find this setting. Once you are at the screen where you are about to roll, instead of rolling the dice, select the small price icon in the bottom left which looks like a die. After selecting this, a menu will pop up showing the different die styles you have available. Select one of these and you will see a tick to the right of the one that you have applied.

The die color will be changed and you can enjoy another nice bit of customisation in the game. At the time or writing, there are only two different styles of dice available. These are Scuffed Metal and Behir Blue. If you want to get more colors your will have to add them to your game files. (Mods)

How to Get More Dice Colors in Baldur’s Gate 3

Failing more options in the base game, PC gamers will once again turn to modders. Luckily there are already quite a few color options on the modding scene. You can see a large variety of different custom mice on the BG3 Nexus Mods page. Head to this link and search the work Dice to see quite a large amount.

Some dice mods will have other requirements. A few of them mention that the mod ImprovedUI is also required to use them. Probably due to the size of the base game dice box not expecting multiple custom dice colors. One of my favorite dice colors is the Diamond Dice mod by Anec. You can check it out in the image below and this link will take you straight to the Nexus Mods page.

Showing off a modded dice color in Baldur's Gate 3