In Necesse, you will craft increasingly strong tiers of weapons as you progress through the game. Along with the standard iron, wood, steel progression found in most survival crafting games there are some special materials which can also be used to make different things. One of these crafting materials is Void Shards.
This guide will tell you what void shards are and how you can get some as well in Necesse.
What Are Void Shards Used For?
Void Shards are essentially just another crafting material in Necesse. They are a magical type of material which are used by wizards in the game. The in-game description reads Crafting Material Magical Essence.

Void Shards are used to craft armor and weapons around the mid-game of Necesse. The third boss of the game drops void shards when defeated. (His minions also drop these too)
Void shards are used in crafting some certain things at the demonic workstation. There is an armor set that can be crafted using void shards and two weapons; a spear and a boomerang.
Void Shards are also used in the crafting of three items that are needed in order to call 3 of the game bosses to battle.
Void shards can be sold to a wizard who is apart of your settlement at any time, or to travelling pawnbrokers.
How to Get Void Shards in Necesse
There are only two ways to get void shards in Necesse. First, you can get void shards randomly by defeating void apprentices in Dungeons. Secondly, you can get Void Shards by defeating the Void Wizard boss who resides in the second underground level of the Dungeon.
You will have to travel around until you find a dungeon entrance in the game. You can also use 2 Map Fragments to craft a Local Dungeon Map. This will help point out any dungeons that are in the area near your location. You can check the world island map by using the N key to find the dungeon island.
Dungeon entrances are very easy to spot. They have 4 large braziers burning around a staircase heading down. See the image below.

There isn’t anything you can do to increase the drop rate of Void Shards. Simply head to a dungeon entrance on the world map, go into the dungeon and start hacking away at void apprentices with your weapon of choice. Since they respawn you can keep farming void apprentices until you have a good amount of void shards.

I would also recommend stockpiling recall and fast travel scrolls to get back and forth from the dungeon map.