How to Refine Ore in Star Valor

Star Valor is a sandbox space sim. AS with most sandbox games there are multiple ways that you can choose to play the game. One of the ways you can play is to become a miner. Miner character will build ships that can destroy asteroids to yield expensive items and minerals to sell for profit.

They can also uncover and process ores to get more items. This guide will show you how to refine ores and turn them into great items for selling or crafting.


What Are Ores Useful For?

How to Get and Install a Refinery

How to Refine Ore

Ore Explained

Ore in Star Valor is a useless base resource which can be broken down and refined into something more useful. You can refine ore into different items. Ore comes in a few different rarities and depending on which ore you are breaking down, you can get some great rare expensive items.

A ship floating through space finding red ore in star valor

Ore can be gathered by breaking down asteroid fields in basically every section map in the game. Head to an asteroid field, break up some asteroids and there’s a good chance you will leave with a lot of ore. Now that we have some ore, we can process and refine it in a refinery!

Getting a Refinery For Your Ship

Now it’s time to refine that ore into something actually useful/ We can do this by using a refinery. To begin with, your ship will probably not come equipped with one. Refineries are something that will have to be found or purchased and then installed on your ship. Head over to a space station.

You will likely find some type of mobile refinery here at the space station. Don’t worry if you can’t find one at your closest space station, simply travel to a new one until you find one that can be fitted to your ship.

A screenshot in Star Valor showing buying a mobile refinery in a space station in  Star Valor

Once you have purchased a mobile refinery it’s time to fit it to your ship!

Installing a Refinery to Your Ship

Installing refineries as with other ship equipment is done at a hanger. There is a hanger in every space station. You can install the part as soon as you buy it in the same space station. To do this, head over to the Hanger section of the Space Station menu. Select the ship you wish to install the refinery to and head to the equipment bay of the ship. This is the Cog symbol in the left UI box.

Showing how to equip a mobile refinery in Star Valor
You can change the refinery hotkey in the Hanger menu

Now, find the mobile refinery in your cargo on the right hand side, select it and then select the equip button. The refinery will now be installed and able to be used!

How to Use the Mobile Refinery to Refine Ores

Now that we have a refinery installed to our ship, we can use it to break down ores in the ship’s cargo. You can change the hotkey that is used to turn the mobile refinery on in the hanger menu where you installed the part. By default it should be the one key. Change this to whatever you wish. (The default is 1)

Now, while operating your ship outside of a space station, simply press this key to start refining. You will see a symbol appear at the top left of the screen showing the refinery going to work. Make sure to pick a safe place to do your ore refining. The refiner will use a lot of your ships power very fast so you don’t want to get caught by an enemy ship without energy!

Showing a basic mobile refinery being used in Star Valor

Once you turn this on it will process the ores. You can see what is being produced in the bottom right of the screen in the message log. You can use the same key to turn the refinery off when you need to save some power or are finished refining ores. The items you get will depend on the quality of the ore. Higher quality ores will produce rarer items and resources.