A character selling items at a player owned store in simulation game Kynseed

How to Sell Items in Kynseed

In Kynseed, brass coins are used as the currency throughout the world. One of the best ways that your character can get a few extra brass is by selling those extra items, found or crafted.

There are a few different ways that you can sell items in Kynseed. This article will go over how you can do so.


Selling Items at a Market Stall

One of the quickest ways to make money in the early game is by renting a market stall. Travel to the Festival Green area, (to the south of the first town) and interact with one of the market stall. You will be able to choose how long you wish to rent the space for.

Selling items at a market stall in Kynseed

Once you have chosen a time period, you can decide which item you wish to sell and set the price. Remember, any price you set over 5 brass, the customer will occasionally try to bargain with you. The best way to make money fast here is to choose an item you have a lot of (which can also be rotten apples and dandelions), set them to a price 4 or below and leave your screen to make a coffee or something.

Selling Items at the Blacksmith

You can also make money by selling some items directly to the blacksmith at any town. Here, you are able to sell any tools, weapons charms or raw ores that you’ve crafted or found. One great way of making money is by mining ore, crafting tools and selling them directly to the Blacksmith.

Selling ore and weapons to the blacksmith in Kynseed

To sell things at the blacksmith, interact with the shelf found behind the counter at the shop. Each item will have a set price depending on rarity and quality. The blacksmith will also only have a set amount of brass that they are able to use at a time. This means you may have to sell things over many days, should you have many items to sell.

Selling Items at a Store

Once you’ve said goodbye to the farmer lifestyle and decided to join the world of capitalism, one option is to purchase a store in any of the towns. Once you have purchased a store, you can simply interact with any of the Plinths in the store to put an item for sale there.

Selling items at a store in Kynseed

Be careful not to set the price too high, as customers will only purchase items at a fair price. Selling through the store is the best way to sell items in the game, as you can have many items for sale at the same time. You can choose to run the store yourself and stand behind the counter.

Alternatively, you can hire one of the townspeople to work in the store and have the entire process automated. If you choose to work there yourself, wait for a customer to bring an item to the counter, then interact with them to sell them the item.