Fishing is just one of the many different activities you can do to make money in Stardew Valley. As strange as it sounds for a game about farming, fishing can be a very lucrative past time.
Each season in the game features different types of fish to catch. This guide in particular, will focus on Spring Fishing and which types of fish you can catch in the Spring month.
Click any of the links below to jump to the relevant part of the page.
Spring Fish Location and Catching Conditions List
Spring Fishing Areas Explained
Best Fish to Catch in Spring for Profit
Full List of Spring Fish With Selling Prices
Stardew Valley Spring Fish List
There are a large amount of different types of fish available to the player in the month of spring. 14 to be exact.
This list will show you every single fish that you can catch in the spring season, where you can find the fish and what weather condition you will need to catch it in.

Fish | Weather | Location | Time of Day |
Anchovy | Any | Beach | All Day |
Bream | Any | River/Forest | 6pm-2am |
Bullhead | Any | Mountain Lake | All Day |
Carp | Any | Mountain Lake | All Day |
Catfish | Rainy | River/Forest | 6am-11pm |
Chub | Any | Forest/Mountain Lake | All Day |
Eel | Rainy | Beach | 4pm-2am |
Halibut | Any | Beach | 7pm-11am |
Herring | Any | Beach | All Day |
Largemouth Bass | Any | Mountain Lake | 6am-7pm |
Sardine | Any | Beach | 6am-7pm |
Shad | Rainy | River/Forest | 9am-2am |
Small mouth Bass | Any | River/Forest | All Day |
Sunfish | Sun | River/ | 6am-7pm |
As you can see, there are a lot of crossovers between the fish that can be found in the river in the town, and also in the forest.
If you’re unsure on what counts as what area you can follow on below.
Spring Fishing Areas in a Nutshell
As you can tell from the table above, there are four main areas where you can fish. Although most are self-explanatory I will detail them below to avoid you fishing in the wrong place for hours!
- River: This is the main river that runs through the town of Stardew Valley. While you are in the town, cast your line into any part of the river.
- Forest: This is Cindersap Forest, the area to the left of the town and under your farm. Here you can fish in the large lake, or any of the river areas.
- Mountain Lake: This is the lake to the north of the town. This lake is located next to the cave where you can mine metals and minerals.
- Beach: This is the area to the south of the map that is well, a beach. Willy is also found here and can sell you a fishing rod if you need it.

Most Profitable Spring Fish in Stardew Valley
If you are purely trying to fish to keep your farm alive, well you are in luck. There are a few expensive fish to be caught in spring. The most expensive fish that can be caught in spring is the Catfish. That being said, I would personally recommend spending time at the Mountain Lake trying to catch a Bullhead instead. Considering Bullfish can be caught any time of the day in any weather and still bring in decent cash.

Below, you will find a list of all fish and how much you can make by selling them at the box on your farm.
keep in mind that every now and then villagers will give you quests to collect items. From time to time fish are apart of that.
make sure to check the community notice boards and your letterbox as you might be missing out on some easy cash. a
Some quests allow you to keep the items afterwards too, making double cash if you sell it later!
Stardew Valley Spring Fish Prices
- Catfish: 200g
- Eel: 85g
- Bullhead: 75g
- Chub: 50g
- Bream: 45g
- Anchovy: 30g
- Herring: 30g
- Largemouth Bass: 100g
- Halibut: 80g
- Shad: 60g
- Smallmouth Bass: 50g
- Sardine: 40g
- Carp: 30g
- Sunfish: 30g
All of the prices are the base prices of the worse quality fish you can find. You will make more money the higher quality fish that you can find.