Have you finally unlocked the greenhouse but are unhappy with the location? This guide will show you how you can move the greenhouse to another location on your farm!
The guide will be relevant for all versions of the game whether you are trying to move the greenhouse on Android, PC or Switch.
How to Move the Greenhouse in Stardew Valley
Once you have managed to repair the greenhouse on your farm, you will be able to move it to anywhere on your farm that it fits.
To move the greenhouse in Stardew Valley, simply go and visit Robin and select the option to, Construct Farm Buildings. Then at the bottom right of this menu select the option to Move buildings. Now, you can select the greenhouse and move it to wherever you wish on your farm! This option will only be available once you have actually repaired and unlocked entry into the greenhouse.

There is currently no way to move the broken greenhouse which you will start with on your farm.
If you wish to move the greenhouse you will need to have an appropriate free space to put it down on. The greenhouse is a 7×6 big structure so it is by no means a small greenhouse! It may be a good idea to free the space you desire for the greenhouse before making the journey to Robin.
How to Move the Greenhouse on Stardew Valley iOS and Android
Unfortunately there is currently no way that the player can move the greenhouse on android and the iOS versions of the game. This is due to the fact that this feature was introduced into the 1.5 version of the game. Unforunately, this update is not yet made for the phone versions of the game.
That being said, stay tuned! The developer of Stardew Valley recently stated the are making ˋgreat progressˋ on the 1.5 update for these platforms. We should expect to see these updates on iOS And Android before the end of the year. (2022).
The 1.5 update not only features the ability to move the greenhouse on the farm, but also a large amount of content added to the game such as a community challenge boardand a bunch of end-game content to boot! So stay tuned for more information on that big update.
FAQ Stardew Valley Greenhouse
- How Much Does it Cost to Move the Greenhouse? Moving the greenhouse, as with any other building, is completey free of charge and can be done as many times as you´d like.
- How Can I Repair the Greenhouse? You can repair the greenhouse by completing the pantry bundle in the community centre. Check out this guide for more details.
- What Is the Greenhouse Used For? The Greenhouse features a plot of land similar to the farm. You are able to plant anything you wish in here and it will grow regardless of the time of year.
- Can the Greehouse Be Upgraded? No, there are currently no upgrades available for the greenhouse in Stardew Valley.